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Active Travel Hubs & Info Centres
Public Transport & Ride Shares
Paths, Cycleways & Route Building
Campaigns, challenges and community programmes
Strategy, Planning & Research
Bikes, ebikes & adapted cycles

Paths, Cycleways & Route Building

Funding and advice is available to agencies that want to build and improve routes to encourage walking, wheeling and cycling

Public Transport & Ride Shares

Support and funding is available for projects that want to encourage people to use buses, ebikes, car clubs, community transport and car share for journeys that cannot easily be made by walking, wheeling or cycling.

Bikes, ebikes & adapted cycles

From toddlers to seniors, agencies can increase cycling rates with cycle training, installing bike racks and shelters, loans for ebikes, community bike libraries, cargo bikes for local deliveries, repair stations and bike maintenance.  

Active Travel Hubs & Info Centres

Active Travel hubs provide a single point for advice and information on getting around your local neighbourhood. They support business and organisations with technical knowledge and encourage more walking and cycling with their campaigns and challenges. They can be found in community centres, hospitals, public transport facilities. Journey planning tools for individuals and organisations can also be found online.

Campaigns, challenges and community programmes

Organisations can join in national programmes or develop their own local activities that are aimed at changing people’s travel behaviours using competitions and challenges from led-walks and led-rides to national award and certification schemes. These projects run nationally, or in local schools, businesses and communities.

Strategy, Planning & Research

For projects that are in the early stages there is support available for the developments of active travel strategies, feasibility studies, business cases, route planning, and design guidance with resource support through embedded officers

Everyone can help save the planet, one journey at a time

Its time to get moving in new ways - towards a cleaner planet, improved personal health and better personal finances.

Across Scotland various organisations have been working on initiatives to help change how we travel. These initiatives focus on making daily travel sustainable, accessible and desirable. The impact so far has seen more people walking, wheeling or cycling for shorter journeys and choosing public transport or ride shares for longer journeys. But more needs to be done to reduce our carbon emissions and improve our health.

Through the financial support of Transport Scotland these organisations can provide funding, advice, information, training, ideas and inspiration to help individuals and organisations from the private, public and charitable sectors increase their uptake of active and sustainable travel. Explore the categories to see what we do, and follow the steps below to find out what's available to you.



Funding and advice is available to agencies that want to build and improve routes to encourage walking, wheeling and cycling

Paths, Cycleways & Route Building

Support and funding is available for projects that want to encourage people to use buses, ebikes, car clubs, community transport and car share for journeys that cannot easily be made by walking, wheeling or cycling.

Public Transport & Ride Shares

From toddlers to seniors, agencies can increase cycling rates with cycle training, installing bike racks and shelters, loans for ebikes, community bike libraries, cargo bikes for local deliveries, repair stations and bike maintenance.  

Bikes, ebikes & adapted cycles

Active Travel hubs provide a single point for advice and information on getting around your local neighbourhood. They support business and organisations with technical knowledge and encourage more walking and cycling with their campaigns and challenges. They can be found in community centres, hospitals, public transport facilities. Journey planning tools for individuals and organisations can also be found online.

Active Travel Hubs & Info Centres

Organisations can join in national programmes or develop their own local activities that are aimed at changing people’s travel behaviours using competitions and challenges from led-walks and led-rides to national award and certification schemes. These projects run nationally, or in local schools, businesses and communities.

Campaigns, challenges and community programmes

For projects that are in the early stages there is support available for the developments of active travel strategies, feasibility studies, business cases, route planning, and design guidance with resource support through embedded officers

Strategy, Planning & Research